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Converting to permanent status and benefits for employees on contract at CBC

Please read the below important information for employees on contract at CBC:

Converting to Permanent

Employees who are engaged on contract will each have a one-time only opportunity of converting to permanent status upon reaching four (4) years of continuous service.

The benefits of converting include more rights in the event of a layoff. Those who convert to permanent status will be enrolled in the Corporation’s pension plan and may buy back all eligible service.

Within ninety (90) days of reaching four (4) years of continuous service, employees who choose to opt for permanent status must notify their local Human Resources Department in writing of their intentions and copy the individual’s manager.

Contract employees who elect to become full-time permanent employees will be credited with continuous service back to the last date of hire into full-time continuous contractual employment.


Persons employed by the Corporation on a term contract of greater than thirteen (13) weeks shall have access to the full benefit plans (excluding pension) subject to any restrictions contained in the various plans.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your regional Guild representative or the national Guild office at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149.


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