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Guild opposes CBC’s move to fill a job before posting it

The Guild filed a grievance with the Corporation this summer for failing to post a job before filling the vacancy, in this case with an outside candidate.

The union is still in talks with the Corporation to settle the grievance.

The posting of new and vacant jobs is important to provide members with opportunities for career advancement and to make the hiring and promotion processes transparent.

Employee left without income while trying to return to work
The Guild and CBC management have reached a settlement on behalf of an employee who was left without any income when the CBC delayed accommodating her return to work after her disability leave.

The Guild has also filed a grievance against the apparent discrimination in how the Corporation applies the return-to-work provisions when an employee requires accommodation due to disability. Accommodation can include modifying the work or moving the employee to a new position to enable them to return from their disability leave.

The Guild has been made aware of several cases where the CBC is not doing the necessary planning and preparation to accommodate members who have been off on long-term disability at the time they are ready to come back to work. In our view, if the CBC doesn’t find a position for the employee when he or she is ready to come back, the employee should nonetheless return to the payroll. Right now, some employees are forced to use their Annual Leave ? or go without income ? while the CBC tries to find a position for them, which violates the collective agreement.

Got grief? Let the Guild know?
As always, we can only solve problems we know exist?. We are aware that the CBC and our members are going through a period of extreme change. You might be concerned or confused about your employment status, workload, re-assignment, or any other issue. If you have any questions or just want someone to listen, please get in touch with a member of your local executive, the national office, or a member of the grievance committee:

Elaine Janes, Chair (doubleej@hotmail.com)
Turk Chan (turkchan@gmail.com )
Christian Massey (massc@telus.net )
John O’Connor (dldigital@sasktel.net )
Pam Petrin (pampetrin@yahoo.ca )
Bob Sharpe (bsharpe@nl.rogers.com )
Jonathan Spence (jonathan.spence@utoronto.ca)
Jean Broughton, Union services co-ordinator (jean@cmg.ca )
Bruce May, Staff representative (bruce@cmg.ca )

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