Your newly elected CBC Branch Executive Council recently met in Toronto to go over plans for the upcoming year, and to select members of the National committees. You can find a list of those committees here. Committee members come from all parts of CBC/Radio-Canada (regionally, job categories, French and English), so that our diverse perspectives can be best utilized on this important union work. A big thanks to everyone who put their name forward to help out on these committees.
One of the biggest priorities for our union this year will be bargaining our next collective agreement which expires at the end of March 2024. In order to get ready for bargaining with management, we need to know what you want to see in that new agreement. What’s most important to you? Wages? Telework? Training and professional development? We will be sending a survey this summer to ask you for detailed information on your priorities. Also, watch for a call out to serve on our Bargaining Team, if you are interested.
Your CBC Branch Executive Council met with senior levels of CBC/Radio-Canada management for a week at the end of January to discuss issues around telework, orientation, mandatory training, and to look for ways that we can better resolve member issues at work. Although these meetings are not officially part of the bargaining process, it helps to work out issues before bargaining to help streamline our larger negotiations.
Our biennial convention takes place in June, in Toronto, with our CBC Branch Day being held June 8, and the CMG National Convention taking place June 9-10. Please consider being part of the convention either as a delegate or an observer. This will be your chance to have direct input into how your union runs and a chance to talk directly with the people who will be bargaining with management on your behalf. The number of additional delegates for each Location Unit is determined by a formula based on membership – Specific numbers are available here. Reach out to your local CMG executive if you’re interested in attending.
Please contact anyone on your Branch Executive Council with concerns or questions.
In solidarity,