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Negotiations continue for first agreement at MBS Radio news in Halifax

The Guild met last Friday with MBS Radio to pursue negotiations for a first agreement for the Halifax newsroom. The negotiations resulted in considerable progress on non-monetary issues. The Guild’s bargaining committee includes Doug Cogswell and CMG staff representatives Glenn Gray and Gerry Whelan.

The Saint John 7 are seeking a fair deal with employer MBS Radio since June 2012
The Saint John 7 are seeking a fair deal with employer MBS Radio since June 2012

Meanwhile, the seven striking CMG members at MBS Radio in Saint John are nearing the end of the ninth month on the picket line to fight for a fair first agreement. No talks have taken place between the Saint John unit and MBS management since November.

Negotiations for the Halifax newsroom unit are scheduled to continue March 28.

For more information, contact the Guild (info@cmg.ca) at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149.

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