As you may have already heard, the CBC has formally given notice to the Canadian Media Guild that it may commence a legal lockout as of early Monday morning. If this occurs, management will not allow any of its employees who are Guild members onto CBC property.
Guild members who are VisionTV employees, on the other hand, are still required to report to work. As a result, this means that VisionTV employees may face picket lines at the Toronto Broadcasting Centre as early as Monday.
The Guild has prepared special ID cards for VisionTV employees who work at the Toronto Broadcasting Centre. Picket captains and picketers have been informed of your status and have been asked to allow VisionTV employees to cross the picket lines. You may be asked to enter one at a time, or after a certain delay. We ask that you respect the picket line, and follow the directions of the picket captain. In return, you will be allowed to cross the picket line and enter the workplace.
If you encounter difficulties, or if you have questions or concerns about the picket line protocol, please contact Keith Maskell at the CMG national office at [email protected] or call 416-591-5333.