The Canadian Media Guild will provide a subsidy for one person to attend the annual convention of the F?d?ration professionnelle des journalistes du Qu?bec (FPJQ), which is taking place November 13 to 15 in Sherbrooke. To learn more about the convention, click here.
The winner will be reimbursed for the full costs of transportation and registration for the conference. Winners are responsible for making their own arrangements for travel, accommodation and release from work (if necessary). The winner should book their transportation through CMG’s travel agent.
If you would like to participate in the lottery, please complete our online form here. The deadline for entries is Monday October 26 at 5 pm ET. The winner must show proof of registration to the conference by the end of the day after he or she is notified.
The winner will be asked to write a brief report for the Guild’s national executive. Members who have received a similar subsidy from the Guild in the past two years are not eligible.
If you have any questions, please contact Guylaine Morency at [email protected] or call the Guild’s national office at 1-800-465-4149 or 416-591-5333.