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Tentative agreement reached between APTN and editorial employees

The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network and editorial unit members of the Canadian Media Guild have reached a tentative deal to renew their collective agreement. The agreement signals a new relationship between management and employees of the network.

“This agreement represents the culmination of months of discussions aimed at resolving issues of concern to members of the bargaining unit while ensuring the stability and long-term viability of APTN. I am very confident that this agreement has achieved those aims and the “Letter of Understanding” will allow the employees and management to address the issues of concern of the bargaining unit,” stated Jean LaRose, CEO of the network.

The rapid growth of the network in the past two years, as it moves to position itself in the broadcasting sector as a strong, vibrant and national broadcaster, has led to some concerns by employees about the rapid pace of change and its effects on staff. Both parties have agreed to develop a method of addressing these issues that will involve employees and management. CEO Jean LaRose has committed to lead the process with key members of the bargaining unit and it will include all employees of that unit.

“This deal is about management and employees promising to work to improve training, feedback on performance, and workload,” says Greg Taylor, a member of CMG’s bargaining committee. “That means that the real work starts now to create a positive and productive workplace so that all editorial members can be confident that they have a real future in building this important national network.”

The deal provides for an across-the-board salary increase of 2% each year over five years, beginning from April 24, 2006, as well as a $500 “retention incentive,” which will be paid to all employees as soon as possible after the deal is ratified. In addition, the two sides commit to begin work within 90 days of ratifying the deal on a plan to improve the workplace relationships, focusing on creating a culture of mutual respect, addressing workload concerns, improving training and professional development, and implementing a positive feedback process for performance reviews.

CMG’s bargaining committee is recommending acceptance of the deal and will put it to a vote by members by the end of this week. The union will provide more information on the ratification process shortly.

Click here to view the memorandum of agreement.

Jean LaRose
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network


CMG Bargaining Committee:
Greg Taylor
Cheryl McKenzie
Bruce Spence
Dan Oldfield
Dan Zeidler

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