Home / Workplace Directory / CBC/Radio-Canada / CMG Biennial convention set for April 28-30, 2006

CMG Biennial convention set for April 28-30, 2006

The Canadian Media Guild’s biennial convention will be held at the Palliser Hotel in Calgary April 28-30, 2006. Please mark your calendars.

We are combining the convention with the joint Presidents’ Council and Branch Executive Councils meetings which would have been held in fall 2005 but were cancelled due to the lockout at the CBC.

This means that all branches will be entitled to send their executive councils. In addition, location units (at CBC and CP/BN) will be entitled to send delegates on a representation-by-population basis, based on a formula of one delegate for the first 50 members plus one delegate per additional 75 or portion thereof. Delegates must be elected. There is one important exception to this general rule: CBC and CP/BN location unit presidents shall automatically be delegates and they (or their alternate) will be counted as part of the delegation from their location unit.

The convention is a key forum for shaping the future of the Guild. It is where changes to the bylaws are made, and resolutions passed by convention delegates give direction to the CMG’s National Executive Committee. Anyone with a suggested bylaw amendment must e-mail it to the attention of the National Bylaw Committee at guild@interlog.com by Friday April 1, 2006.

Keep an eye out for further information about this convention in the coming weeks.

Lise Lareau
National President, CMG

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