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Call for Applications – CMG Election Committee

Please consider serving on our union’s Standing Election Committee

Dear fellow union members,

Later this year, our union Local, the Canadian Media Guild (CMG) will be holding elections for national and branch officer positions.

National and branch officer elections take place every three years at CMG. Elections later this year will determine those members who will be elected to serve as union officers for the 2020-2022 term.

According to CMG’s bylaws (Article 10), “National and branch officers of the union shall be elected every three (3) years by secret ballot no later than December 10 on a date set by the [National Executive Committee] NEC. With the exception of the Branch representatives, NEC officers shall be elected by an at-large vote of the membership of the CMG. Branch officers shall be elected by and from within the membership of their Branch. The NEC and Branch Executive Councils take office on January 1, following the election.”

Our Union’s Election Committee

CMG’s Election Committee needs to be repopulated at this time due to vacancies on the committee. As per CMG’s bylaws, the Election Committee is appointed by the National Executive Committee (NEC).

With support from CMG staff, the Election Committee shall publish procedures for national elections to ensure that members are well informed and campaigns are equitable.

This means that members of the Election Committee may be called upon to interpret and apply CMG bylaw provisions and rules such as Guidelines for candidates and CMG’s election policy .

At least two (2) members of the Election Committee shall not be members of the NEC.

And, ideally, members of the Election Committee will not themselves be candidates in the upcoming national and branch officer elections.

The National Executive Committee will review applications from prospective committee members and, as per CMG’s bylaws, appoint members of the committee later this month.

Please submit your application for consideration no later than Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at midnight in your time-zone.

Questions about the Election Committee and its processes may be directed to CMG staffers, Glenn Seymour (gs@cmg.ca) and Olivier Desharnais-Roy (olivier@cmg.ca).

With best wishes, in solidarity,

Kamala Rao

President, Canadian Media Guild
CWA Canada, NewsGuild-CWA, Local 30213 (Communications Workers of America)

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