As of the close of the nomination period on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, many positions in CMG location units have been filled by acclamation – check up-to-date results here – cases where an election is required are indicated. Questions or comments regarding the list should be directed to [email protected]
Where no candidate has come forward, the nomination period is extended until 5 p.m. (local time) Friday, November 8.
Read about the roles and responsibilities of elected Guild officials here.
Where there is an election, the vote will be held between November 21 and 26, 2024.
The winners of CMG Location Unit elections will start their two-year terms on January 1, 2025 in accordance with Article 6.14 of the CMG by-laws.
To put your name forward, or to nominate one of your co-workers, please download and complete the nomination form here.
The candidate, nominator and two seconders must all be CMG members in good standing. To be a member in good standing you must have a CMG membership card. If you do not have you card, go to
Completed nomination forms can be handed to your Location Unit Elections Committee by the due date.
Location Unit Election Committees
Each location unit will set up a Location Unit Election Committee that will be responsible for running its own election:
These lists will be updated as contact information becomes available. If your location is not listed, please send your nomination form to [email protected]
Please note:
Our union’s bylaws require a minimum of three executive officers for a LEC: a President, a Vice-president, and a Secretary-Treasurer.
Beyond that, executive committees can and are encouraged to build a structure that reflects the needs of members in the specific location unit. Click below to see current structures in different CMG branches:
At CP: For more election information, please write to CMG Elections Coordinator, Glenn Seymour, at [email protected]