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CMG members to receive 1.5% wage increase on April 1

There is plenty of news to share with you as we move into spring, not least of which is that we can expect a 1.5% wage increase on April 1. There are also some other updates to share with you.

Expect a wage increase of 1.5% this April, 2011.? Surprised?? So was the Guild executive, especially after the Feds froze salary increases in 2008 at 0% for three years for all public service and crown corporation employees. CBC management has informed us that they have found a way to provide the wage increase to all CMG members in April. You may recall that our 2009-2014 collective agreement did not set out wage increases for 2011 and beyond because of the uncertain financial situation when we signed the agreement.

Members in the pension plan can buy back time they put in as temps? As announced earlier this week, there is now an option to buy back temporary or contract service and improve your CBC pension. If you worked as a contract or temporary employee at the beginning of your career, during the two-year eligibility period, it has not counted as pensionable service. Because of a new deal with CBC management, you can now make a one-time contribution to your pension plan to make that service count. The cost of buying back the time is based on the actuarial value, determined at the date when buy-back is requested. You have to wait until April 1, 2011 to make the request.? We are still working on getting a pension buy-back option for part-time employees. For more information, visit http://www.pensionweb.ca/cbc-radiocanada, or call 1-888-604-9258.

Voluntary retirement incentives offered CBC management has offered a chance at a voluntary retirement incentive package to employees who are at or close to the age at which they are eligible for an unreduced pension. Applications will only be accepted where the Corporation is able to eliminate a position as a result. Information sessions are available through your local HR department. If you have any questions, write to us at [email protected].

Employee survey results are now on IO! For all to see.? Results of the survey of employees, “Dialogue 2010,” are available on iO! They reveal, among other things, that workload continues to be an issue for employees. They also reveal that employees want to and are looking to participate in decision-making when it comes to their work and units. Employee engagement is high but retention is a serious concern. The Guild has been invited to sit on CBC President Hubert Lacroix’s National Advisory Committee, which will come up with an action plan to deal with issues raised in the survey.? Similar advisory committees are also being created for English and French services to deal with issues specific to each area. ?

Workload. This remains a priority for us. The Guild and management are working in joint committee to find best practices across the country for dealing with workload and to identify the impediments to fixing the problems. Guild representatives in several locations report success in finding solutions with management. If you have a concern about your own workload and/or the workload of your department or work area, please speak to a local Guild representative or get in touch with the national office at [email protected].

Continuing to build bridges with CBC management We continue to improve our relationship with CBC management, solving problems on a daily basis and avoiding costly disputes and legal fees for both parties.?To date, most of our successes have been at the national level. Both sides are now going to concentrate our efforts on ensuring we get the same results in each and every location.?To that end, the Guild executive has adopted a joint training project with management to share the approaches and processes that have worked at the national level with local union leaders and managers. The federal government has provided a $100,000 grant to help us implement the joint training program.

New Guild executive at CBC holds first meeting? The newly-elected executive held its first meeting in mid-February and there were lots of new ideas and perspectives at the table. It is encouraging and exciting to welcome new members who bring fresh ideas and new insight on how to approach problems facing members across the country.? I am looking forward to another three years working proactively together to look out for all members.?Check out who’s on the new executive at http://www.cmg.ca/cbcbranchcouncil.asp.

Remember that whenever you have a question or concern, or need some advice, your Guild colleagues are here to help. There are Guild representatives working in every location and every department. We are here for each other: that’s what unions are all about.? You can find all the contact information on the CMG website at

In solidarity,

Marc-Philippe Laurin
CBC Branch President

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