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Take part in running your union!

CMG’s Convention ’06 is your chance to tell your union what it should do. It’s coming up soon: April 28-30 in Calgary.

If you work in a location with more than 50 members, there should be an election for delegates in your workplace by the end of February. Many locations elect delegates at the same time as the local executive election. If you’re interested in running to be a delegate, look out for signs about the vote or speak to your location president. You can download a nomination form here.

(Note: if you work in a location with less than 50 members, your location president is the automatic delegate.)

One of the ways that members direct their national union leadership is by proposing resolutions for the convention, either on CMG bylaws or on matters of policy. For example, in the past, members have put forward resolutions on Guild investment policy and on political advocacy.

The deadline for submitting any proposed bylaw amendments is Friday March 31. General policy resolutions can be made any time up to the convention itself, but circulating resolutions in advance tends to lead to better-informed discussion and debate. Any resolution submitted to the national office by March 31 will be included in pre-convention kits sent to delegates. Click here for a sample that you can use to draft your resolution.

If you have any questions about the Convention, please email me at lise@cmg.ca.

Lise Lareau
National President
Canadian Media Guild

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