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Union training opportunity

Dear CMG members,

I write to share a challenge and an opportunity. Earlier this year, CMG leaders voted to make it mandatory for anyone holding an elected union position to take awareness training around racism and anti-racism. We want to make sure that we are taking practical steps to help bring about much needed change at all levels of the union, in our workplaces and in the broader society.

With your help, we know we can work harder to make the media environment the best it can be for everyone, including our colleagues who have bravely called out anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism in particular, and other unintentional or intentionally hurtful types of discriminations. 

We’ve all heard the many ways in which our co-workers are not afforded the same respect and opportunities as others who are not Black, Indigenous or People of Colour.

As part of our efforts, we are offering one-day anti-racism and unconscious bias awareness training, lead by professionals in the field, that we hope 50 of you will find s informative and as illuminating as we did when the CMG’s senior leaders and union staff  took it last year. Members holding union positions will be given priority for these 50 spots, and we will continue to hold future sessions for members who are interested.

This full day ZOOM session run by the Canadian Center for Diversity and Inclusion will be held Wednesday, October 20, 2021.  You would be released from work for the day.

Write to info@cmg.ca with the subject line “ANTI-Racism”, by September 30, 2021 to reserve your spot for the training. 

In solidarity,


Carmel Smyth
President | Présidente
Canadian Media Guild | La Guilde canadienne des médias
CWA Canada, Local 30213 (Communications Workers of America)
SCA Canada, Section locale 30213 (Syndicat des communications d’Amérique)
www.cmg.ca | www.laguilde.ca

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