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Guild accepting applications for new advanced course on leadership

The Canadian Media Guild is now taking applications for Thinking Leadership: Theory and Practice for Union Leaders, a brand new course which is to be held in Toronto in English from November 15 to November 18. The course is open to any Guild member who already plays an active role in the union and has taken on leadership roles in some form.

This advanced course is aimed at CMG leaders – volunteers, committee members and elected officers – interested in furthering their knowledge of leadership theories and practices, specifically in the context of building union solidarity. It covers both personal and organizational skills and includes lots of practical hands-on work. This course is based on the premise that leadership is not only about having a vision for any group, committee or organization. Leadership is also about recognizing the importance of identifying and supporting others to take on leadership roles at various levels to develop an inclusive, leadership-rich organization.

Participants will examine:

– the cross-currents of union culture
– leadership styles
– the role of emotional intelligence in leadership
– understanding trust and betrayal in leadership
– understanding organizational change
– the challenges of leadership in living systems
– participatory leadership and decision-making theory and processes

This intensive 3 ½ -day course will culminate with the development of group action plans to build solidarity. As with all CMG courses, this course will be participatory in nature and will engage participants using a variety of teaching techniques and processes.

The deadline for applications is no later than October 5, 2012. If you are interested in applying, go to our website at http://www.cmg.ca/en/training-application/ and download the application form. Don’t forget: your application must be endorsed by your branch or location president or vice-president.

For more information, write to education@cmg.ca or call us at 416-591-5333 or 1-800-465-4149.

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