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Bargaining Begins with The Canadian Press

The Canadian Media Guild has begun negotiations towards a new collective agreement with The Canadian Press.

Bargaining is a crucial part of what we do together as union members. 

The more we are engaged with negotiations, the more we show solidarity in the workplace. Through this solidarity, we will be able to reach a collective agreement that reflects our goals as Canadian media workers.

Please stay tuned for ways to get involved as negotiations progress.

In addition to CP’s bargaining team, CMG staff representatives Julie-Anne Vondrejs and Elaine Massie will be part of our bargaining committee. 

We met with representatives of the company last week and will convene again this week on January 21, 22 and 23.  

To those of you who have been at CP longer, we encourage you to speak to newer colleagues about what bargaining means and why it matters. Encourage them to sign their union membership cards, if they have not done so already, so they can be added to the union mailing list and receive important messages to their non-CP email accounts.

In solidarity,

On behalf of your bargaining team:

David Friend, CP Branch President

Nicole Thompson 

Adrian Wyld 

John Chidley-Hill 

Frederic Daigle 

Julie-Anne Vondrejs, CMG Staff Representative

Elaine Massie, CMG Staff Representative

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