On June 17, 2024, OSFI (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions) authorized the disbursement of the employee share of the CBC/Radio-Canada Pension Plan Surplus for the years 2021 and 2022. This is good news for CMG members who have been waiting since we won our right to share in any pension surplus in a June 2023 arbitration ruling.
A forty-day waiting period is now required by OSFI before individual payments can be made. We encourage anyone who would like to receive their amount directly into an RRSP to ensure they are part of the CBC-Radio Canada Group RRSP plan (#35905). This is the only option for depositing directly into an RRSP. If you would like to join, you should do so immediately; instructions on how to sign up can be found on iO. Otherwise, you will receive a lump sum payment via the Workday payroll system, and be taxed accordingly.
Personalized statements outlining the amount of pension surplus owed to you will soon be found on the Pension Administration Centre (PAC) website. Individual amounts are based on the number of years and dollar amounts you contributed to the CBC/Radio-Canada pension plan. If you feel that your personal amount is incorrect, you should reach out to the PAC directly, and inform your local CMG staff representative.
It has been confirmed that our CBC/Radio-Canada Pension Plan was also in surplus in 2023. OSFI will require a similar process before allowing those individual payments, but we hope that it may take a little less time. It is unknown exactly when the 2023 payment will be paid out.
A point of clarification: our rights to share in a pension surplus came from a Memorandum of Agreement signed in 2009 but the pension plan has only been in surplus for three years since then (2021-2022-2023).
In Solidarity,
CBC Branch Executive Committee